Merit Review, Administrative or Judicial Review and Appeal Lawyers, Sydney NSW
A merit review in the Land & Environment Court involves the court reviewing the decision made by the local or state government decision maker. The court has the same functions and discretions as the original decision maker. The Land & Environment Court determines the case on its merits of what the correct or preferable decision should be, with its decision being final.
A Class 4 judicial review involves the Land & Environment Court reviewing the administrative decisions and actions of local or state government under the planning, environment or mining laws. The court reviews the legality of the previous decision or action such as whether the previous decision maker had power under the relevant statute to make the decision or take the action and whether it followed the proper process and exercised the power in accordance with the law.
At Connor & Co our lawyers are experienced in all aspects of the Land and Environment Court procedures and proceedings. Please call us today to discuss your unique situation.