An Interlocutory Application is a way of interrupting a court proceeding to make procedural or practical orders. The term refers to a broad range of court orders that can be made.
Why would I need to make an interlocutory application?
Interlocutory applications are often made by parties in litigation to protect and/or advance their interests in that case.
What type of interlocutory applications exist?
The types of interlocutory application include:
(a) a request for particulars to clarify information that is relevant to the court proceedings or compel the other party to provide necessary documents; or
(b) an interrogatory – which are questions that you can require the other party to answer before the commencement of a court proceedings. However, those questions must be necessary and specific to ensure a fair trial; or
(c) an application to set aside a default judgment to enable you to contest the default judgement; or
(d) an application to subpoena a party to produce specific documents or respond to questions in Court.
When can interlocutory applications be made?
Interlocutory applications can be made prior to the commencement or at any time during legal proceedings.
Please do not hesitate to contact Connor & Co Lawyers on 02 9299 6696 should you require assistance with an interlocutory application.